Human Resources and Payroll

izmir insan kaynakları hizmeti
izmir insan kaynakları hizmeti

As HS İZMİR, with our partners who are Certified Public Accountants experienced in Human Resources Management, we play an active role in helping companies fulfill their obligations arising from Labor and Social Security Law.

Our services in this field are briefly as follows:

  • Establishment and restructuring of the Human Resources Department
  • Providing training to employees in the Human Resources Department on Labor and Social Security Law and relevant regulations
  • Submission of the Workplace Declaration to the Social Security Institution and obtaining the workplace registration number
  • Preparation of the Insured Employment Declaration
  • Verifying the accuracy of monthly attendance records and preparing Monthly Payrolls and Wage Slips
  • Periodic control of Personnel Files and ensuring deficiencies are corrected
  • Handling the necessary processes to benefit from insurance premium incentives and other supports provided by institutions such as SGK, İŞKUR, KOSGEB
  • For employees whose employment contracts have ended, preparing Severance and Notice Pay payroll, Release Forms, and Work Certificates, and submitting the Insured Termination Declaration to the Social Security Institution.